Sunday, April 10, 2022

I don.t know how comfortable I am backing the Ukrainian side unilaterally if the Russians are avenging their children.s cannibalization

I don.t know how comfortable I am backing the Ukrainian side unilaterally if the Russians are avenging their children.s cannibalization when paul polivko and maria leon who tried to kill me for my father.s home in 1983 were active in the same circles and polivko being half ukrainian.both george w bush agents for extreme prejudice war trade and extreme abduction US networks.their interest started when I screened Battleship Potemkin by Sergey Eisenstein at Queens College after creating a film club. Maria Leon tried to take that over too. mittler undermined my mother projects even arranged for a class to claim falsely they could not understand my teaching and have me sign a contract saying I could not teach at any CUNY school.this at Queens borough Community College. Fought that with the Union.

Leon, a producer of the cannibal market cbgb's club Ramones, produced songs such as " beat on the breat with a baseball bat", " lobotomy" , advocated sniffing airplane glue, injesting thorazine all of which I took as ironic at the time, as the reputation ran:  the Ramones were to be THE NEW YORK PUNK - democratic, concerned with civil rights- EXPERIENCE BY THE MEDIA AND RECORDING INDUSTRIES mostly sire, which was merger ed to Warner Brothers within years.

Leon favors scapulars to cannibalize : shoulder blade and upper arm. 

keeps on dropping human bones in my backyard, 111 precinct expects clean up, no complaints, duress from terrorism not mentioned.

Does this look like no complaints? 

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