Monday, May 23, 2022

marilla palmer- washingtoniano line- Peter zaremva- episcopalian/ methodist counter.revolutionary heifer of hers: WILL Campoformio us - no survivors- through their infiltration in the United Nations Refugee network from DC to New York

marilla palmer- washingtoniano line- Peter zaremba- episcopalian/ methodist counter.revolutionary heifer of hers: WILL Campoformio us - no survivors- through their infiltration in the United Nations Refugee network from DC to New York. palmer, who works for trump, like zaremba-, claims to have two networks.

 " aimed at destroying you and all you hold dear" .


Not my call, not trained, or armed.

blocking access to work, contact, whole body, home, and responsible for extreme prejudice.

Historical References:

Treaty of Paris 1783 

after washington.s cession of New York State to english crown hunters prior to 1783. In favor of citizens.

Trattato of Campoformio October 17, 1797 :

 1797 if seen as a sequence in genocidal  paranoid, gives 7=7=( 1=9) : if numbers are areas conceptualized as seven, to equalize 9 to seven and conflate : minus an egalitarian symbolized by one 9 becomes 8; genocide by extreme prejudice moves backward, so : 8+1-1 as area  7.

annoying, isn.t it? 

cession of the two Italian Jacobin Republics : Repubblica Cisalpina, Repubblica Partenopea to the hapsburg dynasty, through napoleon.s betrayal of the Revolution.

palmer works by types: genocide through racial profiling by means of extreme prejudice: cannibalization. knows so she.s of washingtonian descent. 

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