Monday, August 01, 2022

History Eats Repeat

History Eats Repeat

Zelensky.s railroads robber barons
mental health misdiagnoses sequestering in psych, and infiltrations to camps aka Irish to Australian outback, French to prison camps in Guyana, Jews to Auschwuss.

Volodya just ordered the evacuation of eastern Ukraine.wot the. Cannot defend it.refuses access to NATO there.wants only Italy there. To betray by the river - a bruce springsteen album with bruce charging soaring amounts for a concert to a concentration camp for food.

another con job for cannibal marketeer maria leon by prez for real prop

found out the New York times involved in genocide of Italians for crown with acuity since unification of Italia.targeted populations fleeing crown fleecing.sent those fleeing crown takeovers to timers - Italian, Irish- until even the History of an entire country, Italia, made the fight for independence led by the house of savoy, which eventually became bourbon from the infiltration in the US because of the English Civil War english crown corrections contacts for capture- cannibalism.

Here it.ll be CREEDMOOR state psych : auschwuss ww2
cultural revisionism - just get correct directives as to who george washington was and did and follow the alterations - always inimical- in print.there is more bullshit coverup for george washington than the weight of a newspaper can carry to a nunnery.s orphanage.

Trouble at The Plaza 6.34am 8.1.2022 

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