Monday, September 26, 2022

Rainews: LINE OF CONCENTRATION, extreme removal, labor exclusion : vittoria piccolillo, michele serra, roberta rizzo,viminale

 Vittoria Piccolillo - corriere della sera journalist.

like michele serra columnist at l.espresso, uses emma fasano to remove you from even thinking of approaching both businesses. Being from the south, 

" or hunted up north, like I knew a bad race for leave..." emma fasano broadcast - 7.09am 9. 26. 2022 

I.ll try, then contact agencies.

Piccolillo used the term " scaccio" , as in " ti scaccio" , as in - I.ll make you flee-. 

Vittoria Piccolillo
Roberta Rizzo

Jake Sullivan spied on by goebbels/ bourbon / chamberlain rainews24 agent, agostini, during a phonecall involving US Security. Phone call was amplified over rainews24 air. 

other newscaster, laughs as I take her photo. 

paolo maggiori, lega. blonde jena bush lookalike calls him maggioni; wants me immobilized,traumatized, wants my real,financial prop, then maybe he.ll eat me.

claims made I.m destroying Italian artists because I don.t like a group - manekin- which won canzonisdima with a dumpy song. This by rainews24 : ITALIA AL VOTO.

serena/ jena bush / carbone rainews24 savoia/ bourbon  royal house contact, will proceed to screw me up for crown through viminale contact rizzo. 

Along with rizzo ruins eyeglass prescriptions and blinds citizens for crown: hatred of all things eyes: Charles 3.
martina cecchi de rossi, jena bush.s methodist terrorist contact in Italia. 

they dress as muslims in anything connected to fabric,clothing, even by the pound thrift. Targets HRA, dislindes, sieges for child mass murderers. 

forward all you want to worldwide agencies. Senegalese workers need detailed information on the lure to work and gas pits in Europe, elsewhere. 

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