Friday, November 25, 2022


ITALY PREY TO COUP D.ETAT,EVEN COMMUNICATIONS. Hard to feel anything but sympathy for Italians with services like these, also involved in extreme removal/ prejudice at diplomatic levels. Contacted ALL consulates in US since January 2022, NO REPLY. Italian rainews 24 : 11.25.2022 unreliable news. war paranoia, cannibalism of citizens for crown governmental takeover: within two seconds, through local home invasion, extreme removal extreme prejudice network infiltrated in the military - 196.40 45th ave Auburndale nyc ny 11358- in giorno da pecora: a - shh- immediate from female lead; claims of " revolution" by berlusconi; guarantees of 150 years of enemy combatant administration; reference as tombstones to my kitchen cabinets; miloni called premier.unknown position in government, since 9.25.2022; start torture on allusion, referencing what does this mean etc; Via Maffei a Firenze changed from via Guelfa - 1100 papal line, for them in deployment against swabian and angevin crown; Catar - code for adimiketakis/ probate fraud, mentions senegal for gas pits for immigrants in Andalusia, catarro in Italian is nasal mucus which st nicks shrine, greek/ turkish associated with adimiketakis eat ascannibalist practice . In reference to Via Maffei, female lead says FINAL a cannibal cook of toddlers.LY!: about Via Maffei/ Guelfa: 1. Calls me a main course; 2. -proprio la ti mangio, la ti faccio cinga- , - that.s where I.ll eat you, that.s where I.ll make you a nothing whore- . it.s like listening to nazi tv, gross. Disgusting. 11.25.2022 at 8.30am two NGO.s ,charity, offer thanksgiving recipients a " feeding" as stated on newyorksnapebt dot com: iRock Charities, 1st Presbyterian Church 89-60 164 street queens, nyc; Harlem F.U.N.D. 1-4 Adam Clayton blvd, "state office" 163 W 125 street. female lead,geppi cucciari - josephine spoons- nervine- un giorno da pecora: calls the channel " very beautiful" . they pick on someone else: " cesso" , " magari origlio" "sure, for you I overhear". dini interview, claimed by staff of program: parallels soccer game, cathar / senegal: I.m an -n word senegalese to throw in a gas n- word is seen as a " babe"" unawares" in songs, in english: the cathar, or st nick.s arranging this. pd party- democratic party- switched alliances to " rightist government" or genocidal coup. fiorello on rai2 now they discuss european substance: the renna/ roi with queens community board 11, nyc, and collaborationists ready to gas us invading 196.37/39 45th ave auburndale nyc ny 11358. cavallo, de cristofaro ladt name code, involved. gasparri says something about me losing,uses my ladt name, Maffei. geppi wants info on US habits, saturdays. women are included in the genocidal category,by parallel to drug dependency heroin, a cliche. for neapolitans, southern italian. news motor: mc neil.close associate to lehrer pbs. claim audible interview is Macron, but doesn.t sound like Macron.

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