tired of trite, bored by braggadocio, left and right puzzle alike? here.s a social satire and culture blog testing strained ethics all pre2010 posts stolen. I prohibit relatives, their fans from: me, contact, all administrative claims to decisional power or profit from info about me, in manners life, legal, medical, wear, social, intellectual or work, property, body, organ disposition, postmortem, alien to me. post hacking, slander is constant for slavery, torture and death also mine.
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Saturday, December 03, 2022
Bayside Senior Citizen Center sieged by extreme belief terrorists and it.s not even an abortion clinic
Senior Center at Bayside
vying for involuntary euthanasia through states by current Italian administration
constitutional violation: you cannot try a case in more than one nation, hence extradiction ;
and: two counts of terrorism by trying to set precedent in court, since 2015.
Terrorism life threat in bayside involving queens surrogate court as well flushing post office main street organized for extreme removal as soon as I step in the building to mexico/ hapsburg brothels.sent two bills- one padded con ed and water bill.hra does not respond with interview to applications.mine since 11.17.2022.senior center working on psych extreme abduction claims paranoia through catholic charities creedmoor, rickers jail.postal employee window three years my tracking ticket refuses to give me the numbers torn shuts his window after I leave.remedied by supervisor, female. window three operative,male" asian " possible simulation. This about 1.00pm.
The interim commander at 111 precinct NYPD arranged for people to be worked out of the association through religious youth gangs.
A coalescence from Italy involved in extreme belief terrorism is active through personnel, backed by the current administration, with a mandate to kill all citizens "who don.t have money" and aren.t " fascist" . Claims are made "Israel is at war with us". The team.s who.s who is lead by a patrizia sammartino/ maria unteras the first backed by catholic charities the latter through a benedictine order and landowners.
The interim denies association with them.
Yesterday one small rental property of mine was surrounded by teams securing the premises for bourbon, goebbels and chamberlain world war two, of all things, that are vying for the keys to my property. Led or coordinated by a florio, claims made they. re building a cache of inodorous gas to fill houses with for seniors as well who they see as useless due to their age.
The language used by yesterday.s clients was terroristic involving abuse to lead to a loss of membership and abandonment of the building. Plastic surgery of the youth gangs involve resemblance to the interim commander.
Within the center there was an insistence on separation of genders: women were seen as my element, and insisted upon as catholic charities insists on no relation possible even for a flirt between members. Fried at the 111 seems to be embroiled in a position that leads women to isolate in homes, and lead a life of " quiet desperation" taken by from a 70.s lyric of the Pink Floyd, which Sammartino would know through her connections to the rock set that has chosen to enslave and use people as " feedings".
Unteras, 37/39 both embroiled in an fbi infiltration is ready to kill all Italians out of new york until " a real ethnic group like the hispanic control the world", for 37/39 the English, their need of extensive access to land and population supported at the moment from saint nick.s.either plastic surgery or resemblance to washington/ jefferson slavist families - which black students in media at queens college city university of new york, black, are backing .their in prep for future involvements of Africa within the territory and admire Italy for doing its own in. The black contingent us backed by celebs like beyonce, with support from a family or plastic surgeries that resemble staff both from american idol and its english bbc version.
claims were made that a moaning, invisible, from the back involved a seizure of a woman, senior, this in an area unaccessible by members.
at the end of the center.s day unusual traffic generated with an accrual of the youth gangs, gathered outside the premises like they accrued outside a small supermarket, D.Alessandro.s, before its wipe out, claimed by one neighboring business as a result of D.Alessandro.s as being " dirty".
I did not respond.
My first visit was positive: members were engaging in activities, the only questionable practice was blocking the front doors.that was easily understood after my visit yesterday. About 10 youths gathered by the front benches to cause trouble arranged by whoever.s accessing 196.37/39 45th avenue Auburndale nyc ny 11358 arranged by sammartino, recruiting even an older man with a john deere cap, a notoriously conservative outfit.isolation seems to be a reasoning at their say, and cession of the area for sammartino.s real estate investments.
The atypical traffic about 50, 60 car strong piled up at the light, a doozy in terms of facial repetitions meant to represent the hall family, the hall family married to the florio-, and driving by Italian female spies, notably the carbone family. in an interesting because absurd development mick jagger lead singer of the rolling stones, involved in mayhem at Bayside self declared an ex lieutenant general at Scotland Yard in the 60s, responsible for the persecution of David Bowie, noted in the song Moonage Daydream, which has and had not revealed itself until now by the organizer.
Part one -
Part two: Bayside Senior Center, New York City
Crown house involved in the audio,tries to coddle up with me, by line of concentration, to follow their diplomatic contact sammartino.s reasoning: they both attempt to enslave me taking advantage of a natural reaction to this noise, encouraging me to enslave with sammartino as a slave, or to sympathetic families of members the same, or to attend st robert bellarmine.s meetings and clean until they find it fit for cannibalization. The prince of wales backs unteras who they find a worse butcher than sammartino. Objections to publication are being made by the plastic surgery that makes the interim the plastic surgery.s relative so a voice in the opinions of the same because,by force, it.s given social stature by mandate.
The motorcade heading south was abundant.that heading north was intermittent the cars at the same distance from one another for about 10 units after which I got bored. This occurred in that area through groups of youths, probably to close down cardozo, same destiny shared for queens college with an eye to direct hiring in offices based on " battle valour" as imperceptively contemptible that is considering the groups it seems the elimination of .yesterday.s I house hostilities were led by chinese religious mission emigrees, who came to the states for conquest. Bush george w is involved, with judge kelly from queens surrogate court, laetitia james operating by self declared mandate and the abrams military complex pushing for my involuntary execution as a " terrorist", whatever that means. The interim is in communication with james to do so with the next commander. Mittler involved in seizure of my father.s house which I requested the 111 precinct to return to my possession for more than five years operated in the intermittent line,usually arranged by her through people grouped in an advance, then middle, then back rank.
Part three: Bayside Senior Center New York City
The mittler, befuddled into deciding how to make their presence known in this for now terrorist conflict have decided on psychological torture creating a remembrance of harm past through a blue
door light at a house directly opposite my residence, which has been coming and going for the last 28 years.
Clinton their contact admits to eliminating families in the South that could.ve helped keeping the US independent, Bush the north.
Sammartino.s aim is to transform through religious institutions: a jesuit takeover then nazifascist with all " the liberal element" eliminated through concentration camps " a la putin" who will " meet his end for not being racially correct and an arrogant buffoon".
The rest of the audible world is happy I.m to die through whatever ruse they choose, as "who are you in face if my splendor".
The school bus drive by off it's usual route about 4.00-4.30pm.the youth with red sports shoes is a " cousin of the interim".the hall family drove by in a pickup truck new york white and blue license plate KST- 77K8 covered by the youth team accrued by mittler " to root" out. Said also: the presbyterian church at the corner opposite the senior center was landed by sammartino in one of her first jobs in the area, when it was a florist/ landscaping business.
the area has witnessed a steady growth of presbyterian/ episcopalian churches, e gaging an immigrant, mission population "ready to seize for churches tidings" backed by ex president obama, in chicago, all connected to DISAPPEARANCES and mass murder if children, and local population in general.
The JMT audi license plate- a car brand used by the Italian government was driven by the florio/ hall relative.
My reporting this is handled with contempt and " job done" by 111 NYPD staff - notably a female lieutenant with family in policing in Napoli, Italia that see me as a slave, children dark as excrement, to be put in boxes and slowly executed to terrorize the population into change so she can be a slaveowner too.
The reason why I receive food benefits is because I.m unsound by race to eat human beings.
Audis were a presence in my father.s house.s driveway when it was being worked out of my property.
MONS PRISON COMPLEX BELGIUM/ EPISCOPALIAN with guyanese penal colonies in retaliation to the revolutionary wars that created our current democracy is involved
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Female pictured: Patrizia sammartino.source: facebook.
same for death squad fascist: same account, facebook.
Meanwhile facebook accuses me of community law violations in the following: nudity, hate speech, bullying instead.
Shut down one account, intellectual theft.
Same with the L.espresso italian newsweekly:
I started a blog they sold it without my consent to typepad San Francisco, california outfit which in turn sold it to a nazi venture in massachusetts which disappeared it. This during the berlusconi administration.
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On Sat, Dec 3, 2022, 4:20 AM alex maffei wrote:
Senior Center at Bayside
Alex Maffei
196.33 45th ave Auburndale nyc ny 11358
NYPD ADD TO COMPLAINTS: 2022-111-001152;
2022-111- 003530.
IAB: 2022-01152;
some, preceding:
Terrorism life threat in bayside involving queens surrogate court as well flushing post office main street organized for extreme removal as soon as I step in the building to mexico/ hapsburg brothels.sent two bills- one padded con ed and water bill.hra does not respond with interview to applications.mine since 11.17.2022.senior center working on psych extreme abduction claims paranoia through catholic charities creedmoor, rickers jail.postal employee window three years my tracking ticket refuses to give me the numbers torn shuts his window after I leave.remedied by supervisor, female. window three operative,male" asian " possible simulation. This about 1.00pm.
The interim commander at 111 precinct NYPD arranged for people to be worked out of the association through religious youth gangs.
A coalescence from Italy involved in extreme belief terrorism is active through personnel, backed by the current administration, with a mandate to kill all citizens "who don.t have money" and aren.t " fascist" . Claims are made "Israel is at war with us". The team.s who.s who is lead by a patrizia sammartino/ maria unteras the first backed by catholic charities the latter through a benedictine order and landowners.
The interim denies association with them.
Yesterday one small rental property of mine was surrounded by teams securing the premises for bourbon, goebbels and chamberlain world war two, of all things, that are vying for the keys to my property. Led or coordinated by a florio, claims made they. re building a cache of inodorous gas to fill houses with for seniors as well who they see as useless due to their age.
The language used by yesterday.s clients was terroristic involving abuse to lead to a loss of membership and abandonment of the building. Plastic surgery of the youth gangs involve resemblance to the interim commander.
Within the center there was an insistence on separation of genders: women were seen as my element, and insisted upon as catholic charities insists on no relation possible even for a flirt between members. Fried at the 111 seems to be embroiled in a position that leads women to isolate in homes, and lead a life of " quiet desperation" taken by from a 70.s lyric of the Pink Floyd, which Sammartino would know through her connections to the rock set that has chosen to enslave and use people as " feedings".
Unteras, 37/39 both embroiled in an fbi infiltration is ready to kill all Italians out of new york until " a real ethnic group like the hispanic control the world", for 37/39 the English, their need of extensive access to land and population supported at the moment from saint nick.s.either plastic surgery or resemblance to washington/ jefferson slavist families - which black students in media at queens college city university of new york, black, are backing .their in prep for future involvements of Africa within the territory and admire Italy for doing its own in. The black contingent us backed by celebs like beyonce, with support from a family or plastic surgeries that resemble staff both from american idol and its english bbc version.
claims were made that a moaning, invisible, from the back involved a seizure of a woman, senior, this in an area unaccessible by members.
at the end of the center.s day unusual traffic generated with an accrual of the youth gangs, gathered outside the premises like they accrued outside a small supermarket, D.Alessandro.s, before its wipe out, claimed by one neighboring business as a result of D.Alessandro.s as being " dirty".
I did not respond.
My first visit was positive: members were engaging in activities, the only questionable practice was blocking the front doors.that was easily understood after my visit yesterday. About 10 youths gathered by the front benches to cause trouble arranged by whoever.s accessing 196.37/39 45th avenue Auburndale nyc ny 11358 arranged by sammartino, recruiting even an older man with a john deere cap, a notoriously conservative outfit.isolation seems to be a reasoning at their say, and cession of the area for sammartino.s real estate investments.
The atypical traffic about 50, 60 car strong piled up at the light, a doozy in terms of facial repetitions meant to represent the hall family, the hall family married to the florio-, and driving by Italian female spies, notably the carbone family. in an interesting because absurd development mick jagger lead singer of the rolling stones, involved in mayhem at Bayside self declared an ex lieutenant general at Scotland Yard in the 60s, responsible for the persecution of David Bowie, noted in the song Moonage Daydream, which has and had not revealed itself until now by the organizer.
Part one -
Part two: Bayside Senior Center, New York City
Crown house involved in the audio,tries to coddle up with me, by line of concentration, to follow their diplomatic contact sammartino.s reasoning: they both attempt to enslave me taking advantage of a natural reaction to this noise, encouraging me to enslave with sammartino as a slave, or to sympathetic families of members the same, or to attend st robert bellarmine.s meetings and clean until they find it fit for cannibalization. The prince of wales backs unteras who they find a worse butcher than sammartino. Objections to publication are being made by the plastic surgery that makes the interim the plastic surgery.s relative so a voice in the opinions of the same because,by force, it.s given social stature by mandate.
The motorcade heading south was abundant.that heading north was intermittent the cars at the same distance from one another for about 10 units after which I got bored. This occurred in that area through groups of youths, probably to close down cardozo, same destiny shared for queens college with an eye to direct hiring in offices based on " battle valour" as imperceptively contemptible that is considering the groups it seems the elimination of .yesterday.s I house hostilities were led by chinese religious mission emigrees, who came to the states for conquest. Bush george w is involved, with judge kelly from queens surrogate court, laetitia james operating by self declared mandate and the abrams military complex pushing for my involuntary execution as a " terrorist", whatever that means. The interim is in communication with james to do so with the next commander. Mittler involved in seizure of my father.s house which I requested the 111 precinct to return to my possession for more than five years operated in the intermittent line,usually arranged by her through people grouped in an advance, then middle, then back rank.
Part three: Bayside Senior Center New York City
The mittler, befuddled into deciding how to make their presence known in this for now terrorist conflict have decided on psychological torture creating a remembrance of harm past through a blue
door light at a house directly opposite my residence, which has been coming and going for the last 28 years.
Clinton their contact admits to eliminating families in the South that could.ve helped keeping the US independent, Bush the north.
Sammartino.s aim is to transform through religious institutions: a jesuit takeover then nazifascist with all " the liberal element" eliminated through concentration camps " a la putin" who will " meet his end for not being racially correct and an arrogant buffoon".
The rest of the audible world is happy I.m to die through whatever ruse they choose, as "who are you in face if my splendor".
The school bus drive by off it's usual route about 4.00-4.30pm.the youth with red sports shoes is a " cousin of the interim".the hall family drove by in a pickup truck new york white and blue license plate KST- 77K8 covered by the youth team accrued by mittler " to root" out. Said also: the presbyterian church at the corner opposite the senior center was landed by sammartino in one of her first jobs in the area, when it was a florist/ landscaping business.
the area has witnessed a steady growth of presbyterian/ episcopalian churches, e gaging an immigrant, mission population "ready to seize for churches tidings" backed by ex president obama, in chicago, all connected to DISAPPEARANCES and mass murder if children, and local population in general.
The JMT audi license plate- a car brand used by the Italian government was driven by the florio/ hall relative.
My reporting this is handled with contempt and " job done" by 111 NYPD staff - notably a female lieutenant with family in policing in Napoli, Italia that see me as a slave, children dark as excrement, to be put in boxes and slowly executed to terrorize the population into change so she can be a slaveowner too.
The reason why I receive food benefits is because I.m unsound by race to eat human beings.
Audis were a presence in my father.s house.s driveway when it was being worked out of my property.
MONS PRISON COMPLEX BELGIUM/ EPISCOPALIAN with guyanese penal colonies in retaliation to the revolutionary wars that created our current democracy is involved
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