Saturday, March 01, 2025

QUEENS SURROGATE PROBATE 2022- 3342 : 2.26.2025

Alexandra Maffei
196.33 45 ave
Auburndale NYC
NY 11358



To Whom It May Concern : 

Could you stay the case as 

1.I am only next of kin and not incapacitated;

2. beneficiaries , administrators and assigned guardians are cause of by both Kelly and Johnson are a cause of cruel and inhuman punishment , extreme duress and its consequences on my person. I cannot work if even be in the same quarters with any of them with any positive consequences coming to my physical and mental health. 

 Both judges agreed that the will was not fraudulent when it is. My mother had no contact with the beneficiaries who in cousin but her in a hospice during one of her trips to her vacation homes in Europe after stealing moneys from her and with Altman are planning situations of extreme lack, belief, hate, removal and prejudice against my person. The group claiming to be my mother.s family has a history in court of defrauding each other and a clear connection to extreme right malfeasant terrorist assaults each within their country with connections they created to falsely claim as my relatives or friends; 

The fraudulent will was presented, incomplete , to the court the beneficiaries added to the list posthumously; 

3. No concern my receiving 1/2 share as my constitutional rights as the only member of my mother.s - Emilia Maffei - direct family . there was no intent not to place my name as co owner by my mother as she expressed the will to do so, many times, except time and sudden death; 

The decision, available to the public, to consider the will as true was unsigned but dated 2.14. 2025 ; 

4. No period of appeal can be respected and I haven.t received any papers or communication from Amy Altman since I fired her in 2022 that were of any consequence to the case. I cannot work with her due to her cruel and inhuman treatment of me. Same goes with Mr.Kohn and Ms. Thomas trying to prove my incompetence through war criminals ties to the Cunningham, Petersen, Patton, Walsh, Dewey family involved in extreme right malfeasant terrorism. As they are death cultists I am not their peer nor can be represented by any of these..

please respond within 48 hours. 

I uphold the constitution of the United States .

5. Can you explain why Ms Altman is defrauding my estate of $64,500.00 also and in whose name as the document included published on websurrogates proves ?

Return money to the estate immediately, please. 

6. I do need time to collect myself and apply to a resolution during a period where I am completely engrossed in necessary repairs to damage caused by the beneficiaries, guardians and administrators for pay from those involved in persecutions malfeasant to expose US citizens exclusively to duress. 

7. as I don.t need a guardian but training in accounting, investment, and real property upkeep, please provide to these needs and please include upkeep and paperwork regarding the estate done solely by me since 12.10.2021 and remuneration , upkeep to property both real and financial seized and made unavailable if not downright disappeared malfeasantly as I am kept from administering on false charges of - incompetency - , - burglary - and - trespass - through an infiltration within the 111 NYPD including English capture value sharing family members of the Madden family from the NYPD and other agencies to damages in need of repair due to 2, and 4 amendment violations. 

This means that at least three properties need to be evacuated, repaired and put back into my portfolio at:

211.93 50 ave Bayside hills NYC NY 11364;

4646 bell blvd Bayside 11361;

64 W Fenimore Street Valley Stream.

And that.s just three involved in this vanishing act. 

I also have qualms selling the properties or renting them unless the invasions that murdered other homeowners and tenants in the area are cleared and the area is returned to safe, civil standards of living.

These are all matters of grave concern. 

Consider this a petition to remove both Kelly, Johnson as judges from the case, fire Altman, stay Saigal/ Kohn/Thomas in Queens Supreme Court from ever trying to seize me again infrainstitutionally by claiming existent an index not on public record and inform me of directives to secure letters of administration in my name. 

Also: none of the entities legal and otherwise represent me, I have no peers as the firms and persons are solidly terroristic against egalitarian justice systems of governmental living through blacklisting, royalist terrorist networks. 

OTB, Alex Maffei 

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