Sunday, August 28, 2011

Virginia Thomas and Health Care

Virginia Thomas, Supreme Court Clarence Thomases' wife, also a lawyer, is busy fighting Obama's health care bill by declaring all health care anti-constitutional.

If economic disparity doesn't allow equal coverage to guarantee one's well being, or life, how is universal health coverage not constitutional?

But then again, her husband offers pornography and tales of coke and sex to his women aides, believes that equal opportunity is a ploy by an elite, thinks that proceedings against him for the Anita Hill case (Biden led the Commission and refused to hear additional witnesses) took place because people consider him an "uppity black man", lies sprawled in his chair when hearing a case, has been silent for years, not participating by asking questions, is confused enough to have pictures of Lincoln, Reagan and Thatcher in his chambers and not only, thinks that the disparity between individuals and corporations is constitutional and believes that Ye Old Towne Williamsburg Virginia is not a theme park, but the true expression of the Constitution of the United States.

What this really means: He really wanted to forget to declare his wife's income for tax purposes, because he's allergic to Woodrow Wilson (the inspirator of the constitutional amendment promulgating income taxes , and also a President who gave legitimacy to a people's right to have a country, and not be dominated by an empire: what's next for this Tea Partier who officiated one of Rush Limbaugh's weddings and is good friends with the rabid racist?)

All this and other goodies in the August 29, 2011 New Yorker, or Annals of Law, Partners: Will Clarence and Virginia Thomas succeed in killing Obama's health-care plan? , by Jeffrey Toobin.

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