Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Last night Maria Leon and Jon Stewart called Officer Granelle, a nazi cop at the 111 Precinct, resposible for a false arrest and premeditated murder involving me for the Anastasia and the Gambino to claim I was a pedophile.

Granelle, who falsely arrested me on charges of assault and menacing in a sargeant's uniform, being only a beat cop, approached Saint Nicholas today, to claim I was being investigated. This is illegal: I have contacted the New York Police Department, the FBI and the CIA and am under no investigation. She operates outside legal parameters because for her, I'm a lower race, so  I'm not even allowed actual court recourse.

This,in itself, brings about  2nd and 4th  Amendment enactments, in the long run. In Italy the people used force against the police because the latter barred them recourse by not allowing them to enter a local precinct.

All my complaints have been misfiled;
I cannot approach a precinct and get satisfactory service;
Police have been stalking me in false badges and cars with no registration number because they sell my whereabouts and time to people who harass and abuse me in public;
The only response I receive from 911 is criminal organizing targeting me for genocidal crime organizations, for Granelle, today, the Gambino, this for months. They also tapped the FBI lines, through Marilla Palmer three sundays past;
The police are involved in abductions to psych hospitals, illegal house break ins, damage to property, and self at night;
Stewart's mother is a constitutional violator, on political grounds and arranged for a night break in to have me injected with something on a bruise she ordered to be created on my upper left arm.
She's been known to call me a "nigger" and a "chinga". Stewart supports her and Maria Leon, who, along with Marilla Palmer,he has impregnated, at his boasts through harassers. They have both nazifascist confederate connections, and that's the only reason why harm comes to me from them.
The women were both arrangements made from my estranged family decades ago, through the Anastasia clan, when I did not know the Anastasia were a clan, and nazi in orientation. Another additional idea was to keep me sterile, and not have me meet viable friends, or partners. This has been successful, since I not only have not had sex for about ten years but am friendless, and isolated based on their criminal organizing.

Today, at 2:15PM, Granelle took it upon herself to contact Saint Nicholas, a nazi contact Greek Orthodox Church which plays Big Ben as a bell sound to:

1) Break in my home and plant children things;
2) Have them claim I have something to do with their children, when children overall have no interest to me. The true pedophiles are Palmer and Leon, who taught at the Little red School House, at her own verbal admission, without a degree even vaguely resembling one in Early Childhood Education;

Again, I have beenstalked, as people likeMaddow,Bee, Williams, Steinem,Stewart and others place me as a low life useful to them only as a "trade off", stuck in a pool where I will put up or shut up.

Personally these matters need to be addressed, and the stalking must end.
You choose not to do so, I will proceed legally.

This is a complaint I am furthering to:

Internal Affairs,
New York Police Department;
The FBI;
The Justice Department;
Italian Constitutional Court;
The Italian PD Party;
The New York Times;
The Daily Show.

Any spelling alterations, word attachments, nonsensical meaning not mine.

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