Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Nazi organizational by shelter roommate protected by one of the front door sign in guards, or a dark skinned self proclaimed Guyanese, here because the communists have taken over her country, happy to be humble, a Condalisa Rice cell connection, a Marilla Palmer same, in collusion with other rooms on this floor in this hallway. Prefers to spy on women who are friendly, invite people over to eat whatever they cooked are warm and supportive.

Bedcheck brought guard up saying to roommate if everything was allright here. She's been seething Ai Ai, simulating spying on my internet connection and this blog page by precipitating herself over my side of the room for no reason other than to bump into her locker and seethe more ahi ahi ahis.

Here's what this filth is organizing on her cellphone an A-it sounds like breaking in houses and marinating homowners or renters for erotoantropophagous reasons. She also takes other contracts, like harming my gums and wanting my molar for George Bush, stealing a sock then throwing it on the floor, organizing the rest of the trash here to harass me and claim whatever she is told to, and is currently busy snorting her mucus and swallowing it whole. No sign of madness, just fury at not being obeyed:

"24450250 wife (...) bridge Lawrence (...) Sandra 45 money land I don't know boilla habla kool his whoreson bouillon Church Avenue".

Roommate resembles a goose with a jutting out belly, seems German and English, is currently pretending to snore, fat on upper thighs gathers like a trapezoid base of a Nazi temple, grated slave quarters, or slaughterhouse.

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