Monday, March 17, 2014

Travis's Excellent Adventure in Chad, or the world according to Condalisa Rice, George Wilbur Bush and Barack Obama...

Me being the litmus test on exactly what bloody tooth the American USA!USA!USA! public can muster and sustain during harsh times in which the Pentagon is still dependent on wars waged by a Department not formerly called defense, here's what's on  future Platters:

1) All of the Army reduced to nothing to insure talent is not paid for by military GI bills, but by itself since the States are not a hotel, thanks to Barack AKA Obama;

2) Condalisa Rice ordering her newly appointed baseball bat coat of arms female vacants to do commoners in, not the Reincarnation, or The Well Deserving Face as a concept, in every walk of life. This because she teaches at Samford, and I don't;

3) Trying to explain to their Pro Axis children exactly how to present to the people they align  to harass and accuse of pederasty and more, how Communism  means Russia to people who already know that to them Communism always meant Russia;

4) How Rice and Kennedy landed in Nassau County tricking most Long Irishers into believing that Mai Lai was not a source of laughter for her as the plight of the Vietnamese, the people, since she believes in a Pan Asian world;

5) If the future is an erotoantropophagus' scopro delight, why bother banning gassing in Syria? Heck, think of adding the stuff to water through fracking, what the hell, along a Canadian, US and Mexico duct alignment;

6) Israel, betrayed at the Oscars by Persians United, Have Traffic Cops wear Hijabs with the advent of democracy in Iraq, paralleled by its parallel in Japan, now is considering seizing goy property through a concern with air space over gulf regions following the usual blueprint: you get a share from war criminals and falsely accuse who you both agree are expendible. So, thanks to the presence of Jews in the States and Democrats in Iraq, poses a question through Netanyaha, as to when the US and Iraq are joining an effort to build a nuclear arsenal called deterrent anywhere within range of the Moscowitz Hempstead's Chinese restaurant, they go to every Christmas day for the fun of it well within the driving distance of their house's inordinately high property taxes;

7) Condalisa Rice confuses herself with Polonius, invests in fiberoptics and Verizon, then hides behind an iron curtain, playing sentry duty, asking to people on their way to buy the list she has others spy on in supermarkets:
Brutal dictators or International community, allies?

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