Monday, April 06, 2015

archaeology of a home invasion
or forever their 15 minutes of dull moment
4.6.15 2 after a marine le pen posing as a part time burnt umber midweight napoleon bonaparte emperor constantin high school employee at rite aid on 194th street and northern boulevard coordinated contingent in the bayside area of queens new york city claims to have murdered 10 Chinese families, 2 floor tenant and the sudden appearance of a child are in the process of being adopted as a -renna-, by my m...other.s sister family's inlaw, a mechanic, her pimp, real name unknown. this of course sped through by 48.62 211th street, adoptive parent of an irish girl, and a hispanic male they taught to groin slap, never having to say- your house is mine-. this through the blessing of the mittlers, at 48.63 211th street, whose male offshoot of sting or john paul 2 the hungarian mechanic and liz taylor or the harasser from little rock arkansas in the school access photo, depending on the color of the day, rapes toddlers in the mouth if dark.haired, arranges for bank robbery false arrests so that only they can be jewish and christmas and covers for the fraudulent sale as neighbors who have never seen me in my father.s house in the area, thanks to real estate license.less and greek fascist with turkish slavery ring ties manny adimiketakis who is still convinced he can prove i.m not able to pay a water bill on my own, just in case.

the blog alessandra mussolini wants legal guardianship of! bill,george wilbur and barack.s psych torture experiment! the girl the entire neighborhood wants out fer lookin too good for intellectual theft info! the only economic disparity tradeoff in the whole world while everybody else eats laughing shrimp!

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