Sunday, April 05, 2015

attempted murder on 3.26.15 arranged by second floor tenant  for my mother.s  crime family and local contacts in France, Italy and the United States, and their contacts, alessandra mussolini, george bush, condalisa rice, barack obama, the english crown, hilary clinton, diane feinstein to cover the defrauding of my share from a family apartment in Napoli Italy and the house in Bayside New York City, and now this-

I was badly hurt, am recovering. it was a -copy cay- killing attempt paralleling to exactness an article on traumatic apnea in the New England journal of medicine.
the collusion also seems to need a continuum of ford and honda cars- a chevrolet van connected to the tenant, and an entire series of Honda about six by my house today, associated with paul polivko ad maria leon, two complete irrelevant references to my life with the exception of this continuous onslaught of nazifascistconfederate surround sound that is my life the minute I step outside of my apartment since 1995;

another failed attempt today on f lewis and 47th avenue;

the new director of local queens nyc korean business association is by name a tie to a nazifascist japanese terrorist organization  known in Italy as -la rosa dei venti- a contact of fini and pelosi for harm, including torture and death  through violations of the 8th amendment, so I get called a -non.repro sex unemployable destined to sterilization and racial extinction by the staff at H Mart supermarket everytime I shop there;

second floor tenant has connected her phone number under a name similar to mine -alex massei-, but connected to her apartment.s through verizon, to the account my mother has to pay for real estate connected expenses to the house I co.own, and has blocked access to same on 3.23.15.

the contact phone number in france-

1. rang as soon as I had interrupted a call to our realtor, manny adimiketakis, chosen by her who was to pay for expenses, did not, and blocked access to an Astoria bank account claiming I was not a co.signer, also through 196.36 45 avenue, shut down her debit card and tried to create a lean situation on the house by not paying the home insurance and water bills, which I did, only to find the account blocked for payments of shifting sands amounts newly charged by con edison-utilities, and verizon, a new account number issued for them back in November 2014, for the rest of the world in March 2015;

2. a call to the renna, whose inlaw, a shifting sands name reeking anti.semitism and anti this blog, has been shooting it up by me as if my house was a Tucson saloon ca. 1840 for his whore upstairs by the multiple bank accounts, reveals that-
the number could not have possibly been my mother.s since her line was still to be established;

3. another call from that number claims that the person imitating my mother.s voice called me from an outside line prior to the date referred to in 2., when I had called the number in question;

4. a call to gaetana de cristofaro, my mother.s sister, to try to reach my mother got-

a. my landline given to alessandra mussolini for being a us citizen thanks to the revolution in 1776 and its daring and failed attempt in Italy in 1799, nazifascistconfederate slang for -terrorist-since the latter is much more effective among non.initiates;

b. claims that my mother had been taken to a hospital for blood transfusions by her Renna sister, when I knew she was in France for dental implants a cosmetic gesture obtained through the grace of defrauding me of the shares of real estate owed me, and from the depletion of more that 27,000 in 1976 from a trust fund in care of my mother.s;

c. a call from the French number in my mother.s voice, promising 1,000 in cash to pay for the bills that adimiketakis would deliver, and hasn.t for more than 36 hours;

d. the procedural removing of vital data in Italy and the us to prove that the cover for memories of a geisha and mitch mcconnell.s wife by way of her own mother is my mother.s new daughter under the name of Alex Massei;

all resulting in

me contacting my mother.s lawyer to ask her to remove herself and the tenant who is throwing me out of my own house everytime I try to leave or return to my own home, to another location as stated clearly in a signed agreement in 2014 which the police have connected to a 10.26.14 complaint resulting in retaliatory family court action claiming me responsible of strangulation and embezzlement, among the other, less vibrant charges,   and part of the 24.7 continuum of complaints issued to them the last being this morning.s doozy, the tenants shouting that unless I became their whore they would send me to a hospital, this from the house.s staircase, a place she calls home, while i.m loitering in my own apartment.


my response to the o  la va o la caterina spacca theory of me as murphy.s oil law.

the blog alessandra mussolini wants legal guardianship of! bill,george wilbur and barack.s psych torture experiment! the girl the entire neighborhood wants out fer lookin too good for intellectual theft info! the only economic disparity tradeoff in the whole world while everybody else eats laughing shrimp!

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