Tuesday, July 28, 2015

I.m working on subway fare do you  have a dollar to spare?
or, I won at bingo last night for the numbers caller no

the idea being to remedy somehow the current throw out need, keep the greed department of homeless services policy that left me thingless at the Stadium shelter from 7.11 to trial date 7.16 to keep up with julie stanton, queens family court ,referee, $172 thou a year who in the same sentence made me my mother.s slave, appointed me a guardian, tried to sequester me in a psych hospital because of the US win in WW2 and declared all my property, including intellectual off limits exclusively to me, and who was counting on a smelly, broken shoed apparition and for an appeal accepted by NY State Supreme Court on 6.27.15.

figuring $15.00 to cover time until my direct deposit kicked in would be better than donating an additional $50- to the MTA in single fare, posing the question focused me and I saw how directed people are to get to where they.re going, not seeing you also for the recent quiz trend held in every subway car blaming everybody who showed actual concern for where Waldo is, some showing aslighly fearful concern, who a regret at disengagement, others finding the query humorous, one a violent haughtiness at my daring to address him at all, the doorstaff at eye and ear 14 street-Mt Sinai and 92 street Y had no money, 6th and 7th on 2nd Ave full of monroe doctrine crown torturers and a japanese imperialist girlfriend with a sketchy ducth court restoration meatball do because her mother spoke for elvis. beehive, calling me some anticonstitutional slur because he could afford her, the guy threatening to beat me so I told the establishment, most of Greenpeace fund raising without cash, except one who landed me with 5 dollars and a promise of a job, say he sent me, a guy who hates his job and I exchanged feelings on how to find meaningful work, a bouncer told me he gets let go regardless of performance, a model hired to show how Union Square could look good showed me the twenties he was given, no smaller bills, two smiles and no comments from a Marxist fund raiser and a no nonsense man, a staged delay with African youth searching an empty backpack rocker, blond, accessing front door with key conveying how a leopoldine informer in presence, arline lasberg now knew of my beggarhood, knew me in the past, knew false arrest futures also for terrorism, knew lack of artistry, lack of rolex, lack of Stones, all the way back to Chappaqua Westchester, now happy to be courteously disparaging my cultural origin, a trait she continues to sell to family confederate notables whom she warns whenever I.m within aim, as I write this a staff and a congregation saying-we made a fool of you with Arline-of whaling town descent, relatives of ferdinandisabella, adding they.ll sell me a slave as a slave through obama if this keeps up and continue to try to have me marry Elmira at Walmart because in the new city of the new world Robert Rauschenberg has a date with taylor swift, lifted spirits, at an outbreak of mental hymn.

a man, muslim, gave a dollar, his friend spun me chinga, transversal from leopoldville, new Kinshasa, into the aztecs as reinhardt post scarlet pimpernel, human heart carving live from the best in common, irritated colons at the Meso in Meso America on my way as a scoproerotoantropophagous treat, aged 3 years, another mistrusted my investments, wanted to slide his twenty at the MTA ATM, I said yes, he stilled, gave me 1 dollar, then blonde when my hair is bronze then hotbluepink electric then navy blue lapis, walking away enrolled, a couple 1 dollar godbless me asking gid how? what god? after Maastricht abd tw created equal, this truth inalienable mostly in selfevidence women, best friends, gave me a lucky quarter and more coin than I needed to have the 1st and 1st Avenue F train stop ATM to choose amount instead of time-bought time, one week, next morning at Lafayette and Broadway.

what they had to say

-you said enough-does it have to don.t threaten me with a goodtime-people reveal themselves before they die-I gotta go-I.m right in the middle of a - like what!-godbless-

the blog alessandra mussolini wants legal guardianship of! bill,george wilbur and barack.s psych torture experiment! the girl the entire neighborhood wants out fer lookin too good for intellectual theft info! the only economic disparity tradeoff in the whole world while everybody else eats laughing shrimp!

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